With a booking sheet provided by your admitting consultant, you or
your booking consultant can
make a reservation. Call the admissions desk at +91 90 48 66 55 55 if you have
any questions.
The procedure deposit must be paid before the procedure or at the time of
admission. The bank
details for electronic money transfers can be obtained at the hospital.
When you visit Metromed International Cardiac Centre for the first time, we ask that you register. When you complete the registration form, you will be given a MICC number. This number will be required to be produced by you every time you visit the hospital for easy and effective traceability of past medical information. Please note that insured persons who have their employers pay for their medical bills should confirm all facts with their insurance agent or company before admittance. If you require any additional support, please contact our Customer Relations team.
- Copy of Insurance Card of the patient
- Copy of Photo ID of the patient (PAN card, driving license, passport, etc.).
- Copy of current and all previous years’ policies of the patient.
- Doctor's prescription for the procedure.
- All relevant positive investigation reports (ECG, 2D Echo, Angiography etc.).
- If the patient was admitted before for the same problem, then discharge summary for the same needs to be submitted.
For any further assistance call Customer relation on 0495-6615555
Associated Insurance Companies

Your Responsibility
- To provide all personal and family health information needed to provide you with appropriate care. This includes reporting if you are in pain or require pain relief.
- To participate to the best of your ability in making decisions about your medical treatment, and to comply with the agreed upon plan of care.
- To ask questions to your consultant / physician / doctor or other care providers when you do not understand any information or instructions.
- To inform your physician or other care provider if you desire a transfer of care to another physician, caregiver, or facility.
- To be considerate of others receiving and providing care.
- To observe facility policies and procedures, including those regarding smoking, noise, and number of visitors. Our hospital is a no-smoking zone & any forms of intoxicants are not allowed in the hospital premises. You are requested to refrain from any damage to hospital premises or pilferage of the hospital properties
- To accept financial responsibility for health care services and settle bills promptly.
Your Right
- To be treated with dignity & respect
- Participate in decisions involving your medical condition.
- Be informed & explained about your medical condition.
- Know the names & roles of your healthcare providers
- Privacy/confidentiality of your medical records & safety
- Give us a feedback.